
Showing posts from November, 2020

Image Psychology

As individuals we are constantly communicating, when we do it as a brand, we have to pay close attention to every detail in order to meet our objectives, each step we take as a brand we are projecting our image abroad and that is how the consumer will perceive us. The images used in advertising usually contain several layers in their meaning, they are not images chosen at random when there is a professional behind this task, but on the contrary, they are really worked in order to deliver a message to the consumer and manipulate their perception of our brand to convince them of the benefits of using our products The psychology of the image in advertising usually uses different strategies to achieve objectives, almost all of them are based on the psychological theory of Maslow's Pyramid or hierarchy of human needs.  These strategies include the following: Mechanistic strategy: It makes use of psychoanalysis, seeking to condition people through the repetition of an image until it con

Case Study: Directing Marketing, SAP, and Six-Legged Creatures

When asked about the projects I’m most proud of, there´s one I remember with special affection due to its greatness, in terms of its difficulty, competitiveness, and reward. Working for a marketing agency in Madrid, we contested with several major agencies to get the Direct Marketing account for the multinational SAP. Not only was this a big account (over a million dollars), the target audience was a select group of CEOs with high-level incomes – the crème de la crème . The objective was to communicate the benefits of using mySAP SCM in all of a company’s organizational processes. For this project, there were two big challenges. One was the fact that what SAP offers is hard to intuitively explain to most people. But an even greater challenge was the budget. When it comes to people who have money, it costs money just to reach them, and I had a whopping 10 US dollars in budget per audience member.  Not enough to buy my way in on its own, but as usual, creativity was my best ally. My prop

Direct marketing

Direct marketing is a very valuable, accurate, and profitable communication tool that is becoming increasingly important thanks to the new technological tools of the media but to understand these new tools it is essential to understand their meaning in order to evolve and transform our strategy. Its objective is to generate a reaction in the consumer, a measurable and quantifiable response that provides us with relevant data for the definition of our strategic plans. Direct marketing advertising campaigns are aimed at a specific and precise group of consumers, so your strategy must be personalized for this specific target. This strategy allows us to optimize and save costs by exactly reaching our goal. As I said at the beginning, in the last two decades, direct marketing has been gaining importance in an exponential way, thanks to the dissemination tools that through technology have infiltrated the lives of all consumers. Prior to the internet revolution, the tools that were used to do


One of the fundamental keys to success is creativity, applied to branding, marketing, or advertising. Words and ideas can change the world, without creativity we are mere spectators, followers of other brands, never leaders. There are dozens of myths around creatives, you cannot follow a manual to be creative, true creatives are those who have great ideas that create trends and applied to business objectives, they translate into good results, in the achievement of objectives. Being creative is a talent that we all have, a baker, an architect, a cook, a hairdresser, a designer, a salesman ... we are all creative, each one in his field, although there are those who, due to certain circumstances, never discover how to exploit your creativity. Being creative is not something exclusive reserved for advertising or marketing professionals, creativity is a mixture of several factors, starting with talent, a creative has to love what they do, go deeper in each step they take, study what you are

Do you really know the difference between Branding, Marketing and Advertising?

Possibly you already know the difference between these three very basic concepts, but since I have come across some large companies where the meaning of these terms is confused, that is why I have decided to summarize them in this article. If we made a visual comparison to explain it, the best way to start would be to use the Russian matryoshka dolls, where the branding would be the big doll and the rest of the marketing would be a smaller one within the big one, and within this other one would be the communication, and within this other advertising. While branding is the soul of the brand or how consumers will perceive our brand, marketing is the set of actions that following an objective defined by a strategy "make the market", as I explained in my previous article ,  open the market by defining our products and promoting them, serving sellers as a support tool that facilitates reaching the final consumer. Marketing must always follow a strategy under the umbrella of brandi

Do you have a good marketing plan?

Having a good marketing plan is essential for any company, the marketing plan is a tool that helps us organize, organize our company in order to achieve our objectives and not be lost. Although it may seem absolutely obvious, there are many companies wasting resources by not having a marketing plan and they go around like headless chickens hitting the road. This bad practice can lead to the failure of a company. A good marketing plan can be summarized in the following four phases: - Analysis - Planning - Action - Analysis of results ANALYSIS In this phase, all internal and external agents that intervene in the market in which we operate will be studied. Internally, it is a common mistake to isolate the marketing department from other departments. Teamwork has been shown to be more effective, hence the importance of maintaining a close relationship with other departments that can provide us with vitally important information. In theory, all companies will boast of doing it, although as

How to make branding?

Doing good branding is not easy, it does not translate into success by obligation, but doing bad branding always ends in failure. We have to transmit our values ​​and the most important thing to do branding is to be authentic and define with precision and accuracy who we are, for that we must know our brand, create a personality for our brand, and not become followers of other brands. If we only dedicate ourselves to study and follow other brands, we will be followers, we will be mediocre, but we can never be leaders in a market as competitive as the current one, that of the 21st century. Many companies forget to brand consciously, they forget who they are, where they come from, where they are going, some prefer to stay in their comfort zone and follow in the footsteps of other brands to justify their company's CEOs. each of their actions or simply have claims that are very far from reality, so they end up having a schizophrenic personality that only helps to confuse consumers, who