
Showing posts from December, 2020

Fantastic 7P

Years like 2020 make it very clear that marketing is a discipline in constant evolution and companies that do not evolve at the same speed, run the risk of getting stuck and not being able to evolve as the competition will surely do, as I mentioned in my previous post . There is a set of tactical techniques or tools such as Marketing Mix, which are a combination that allows us to align our strategy to achieve our objectives through the famous 4Ps introduced by E. Jerome McCarthy in the 60s, which evolved to become what Now they are called the "7Ps of Marketing" or as I like to call them: "Fantastic 7P" . This has not happened now, Bernard Booms and Mary Bitner changed this concept in 1981 when they proposed to apply the concept of the 7Ps  since at the end of the 70s the marketing specialists had recognized that the Marketing Mix had to be updated and this new conception reached a high degree of acceptance throughout Europe. Well-coordinated, the 7P of Servic

Marketing for the crisis

The response of some companies to the current global economic crisis generated by COVID19 is to adopt a completely opposite position to what they should have adopted to maintain and grow their income. Here are some keys to success. In these difficult times for everyone, it is important to know how to adjust the sails to continue sailing and not sink into this ocean of inconveniences. The biggest mistake that many companies are making today is cutting budgets in the marketing department, this being the best tool they have to predict transforming their company according to their needs. Both strategic and operational marketing is essential, especially at this time. Marketing is not a business expense, it is an investment to achieve our objectives. Being such a broad concept, where it is not easy to clarify its principles, its functions, and much less its dimensions, marketing can help us in practice to achieve our objectives. If we want to strengthen our competitiveness, first of all, we