
One of the fundamental keys to success is creativity, applied to branding, marketing, or advertising. Words and ideas can change the world, without creativity we are mere spectators, followers of other brands, never leaders.

There are dozens of myths around creatives, you cannot follow a manual to be creative, true creatives are those who have great ideas that create trends and applied to business objectives, they translate into good results, in the achievement of objectives.

Being creative is a talent that we all have, a baker, an architect, a cook, a hairdresser, a designer, a salesman ... we are all creative, each one in his field, although there are those who, due to certain circumstances, never discover how to exploit your creativity.

Being creative is not something exclusive reserved for advertising or marketing professionals, creativity is a mixture of several factors, starting with talent, a creative has to love what they do, go deeper in each step they take, study what you are doing, run tests, make a billion mistakes and learn from these mistakes That is what experience will give us, knowledge can be acquired by studying theories, but practice will give us more real and precise data that will guide our decisions and intuition will help us choose an idea, a solution to solve certain problems.

But ... where do the ideas come from?

This is one of the million-dollar questions, without pretending to write a guide on how creative has to be and for someone to follow it step by step like a robot would, to become a successful creative, although it is true that there are several guidelines important to be able to create, such as having the ability to be a sponge and absorb all the information that surrounds us., a creative has to be nurtured with all kinds of information, history, art, music, trends, news, dance, technology, all the possible disciplines because if we manage to mix all this, associating different ideas, we can build, be creative, be original, and the more information we have, the easier it will be to create something original, creative and ultimately of quality.

You have to get bored, you have to play, you have to dedicate time to other things that are not strictly our professional task, listening to music, watching a music video, a documentary, an old movie, reading a book, running, shouting, jumping, dancing, learn a new language, simplify our convictions, play a video game, travel, fall in love, walk through a flower market enjoying the perfume of each one of them, climb a mountain, etc ... if we want to think differently, we need to do different things, stay alive, forget prejudices and not limit ourselves. The vast majority of ideas come from small details when we least expect them.

"Inspiration exists, but you have to find yourself working." - Pablo Picasso.

Although this phrase of the famous Spanish artist is true, those of us who have dedicated ourselves to this creativity in marketing and advertising for many years, know that we never stop working, including sleep time, since many times the idea for a campaign come when we are in the shower, singing while driving our car, playing with our children, while we dream, or simply when we are sitting on the sofa, bored, but this process takes 24 hours for a true creative.

In creativity, there is a lot of talent, knowledge, and experience, but there is also a very important factor which is intuition.

But to be sure, intuition today is not enough, on the one hand, it is becoming easier every day to know consumer tastes, thanks to new sociological studies tools.

Today, thanks to services such as those offered by the Google company, we can know all the tastes and habits of life and consumption of each individual or of groups of people, so having all these tools is relatively easy to get right.

But on the other hand, the competition is increasingly fierce, and competing in a market where competing brands have these tools and we do not, is premeditated suicide. Despite this, we cannot base our entire strategy on data and statistics, the human factor is essential in order not to lose our way.

From this market, saturation comes the importance of standing out from the rest of the brands, and this can only be achieved by being creative, being original, and without forgetting our basic principles.

A serious mistake that some managers in large companies make is to stay in their comfort zone, following and copying what other brands do for fear of making mistakes and being replaced.

This turns the investment in marketing and advertising into a great waste of money, following these criteria we will be invisible to consumers.

That's why IGNITE Global Marketing can help you by doing a lot for a little.


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